It is the law of the jungle, the law of nature. 它是弱肉强食之法则,是自然之法则。
The Jungle Books is one of Kipling's most famous creations of short stories, in which the law of jungle appears as an important concept. 《丛林之书》是吉卜林最为出名的短篇故事集之一,而“丛林法则”是出现其中的一个重要概念。
In an age of confused values, the jungle law ran rampant while in an epoch of devastated literature, The Wolf Totem was hailed as a success. 在一个价值迷乱的时代,丛林原则大行其道;在文学荒芜的时代,《狼图腾》获得了成功。
But, one year, Baloo's words came true, and Mowgli saw all the Jungle working under the Law. 但是,有一年,巴罗的话应验了,莫格利看到整个丛林都遵循着法则运作着。
It is the jungle law of capitalism. 这正是资本主义弱肉强食的规律。
All animals have to observe the jungle law. 所有动物都必须遵守弱肉强食的原则。
The employer-employee relationship in China is rather complicated, not due to the jungle's law, but as a result of the progressive social reforms. 雇工劳动关系在中国当今社会的“复现”,决不是“丛林法则”作用的结果,而是中国社会改革必然选择的制度安排。
The World is Forced to Adapt to Jungle Law by U.S.A Again& The Enlightenment that U.S.A Withdrew from The ABM Treaty and Deployed Missile Defense System 美国再次逼迫世界适应“丛林规则”&美国退出ABM条约部署导弹防御系统的启示
Japan is an east-Asian country with a strong sense of its political culture, emperor-related superior ethical dominance, and the war-worshiped colonialist jungle law. 日本是一个有着特殊感的东亚国家,其政治文化表现出明显的特殊性:皇国思想支配下的民族优越意识;武士文化中重等级、重实力、轻思辨的思维特点;